Sunday, January 8, 2012

Finishing Turning Twenty

Turning Twenty Completion

I did it! My Turning Twenty Quilt-top is complete. I only had one boo-boo that resulted in the use of the dreaded seam ripper. In my book, only once is a success! Honestly, my one mistake was the result of poor pinning. I dread pinning, but I powered through and carefully pinned everything. Despite that, at one point (luckily close to the end of a seam) one of my blocks shifted and it was noticeable enough to go back and repair. I feel very good about how well my points lined up. Only two spot didn't exactly line up and they weren't incredibly noticeable! I did discover thought that both times they didn't line up, there was a common material so I think it had something to do with the stretch of that particular fabric. Knowing that, I was particularly careful and placed extra pins whenever this material came up again and had no more troubles! This week I will mail it to one of Pieceful's friends to be quilted.
 My first attempts at getting a picture failed. There is no place in my small apartment to take a good picture of a quilt. I was trying to be artsy, but lighting was poor so I had to turn to my sepia setting!
 Here are the actual colors. My boyfriend finally took pity on me and agreed to hold it up for me! At least it gives you a better idea anyway...

Projects for Friends

What do I have planned next? Projects for friends. Two to be exact. First, a colleague sent me a message last week with a special request. Her mother has just had surgery to remove some cancer. Since her surgery carry a purse is difficult. My colleague had found her a quilted purse on Ebay that worked nicely for her because it has long straps and was light weight. The only trouble is that the print was snowmen and Christmas trees. Now that the holiday season is over she needs something similar but in a different print. After seeing my sewing projects on Facebook, she asked if I could make something similar. Here's what I have planned.

The picture was difficult to capture. This fabric is not as busy as it appears, and has more light blue tones than what is seen here. The purse I selected is from this McCall pattern M4118, purse B.

Today I was able to cut nearly all the pieces. I just have some quilting to do before I cut the last few pieces and begin assembling. I'll keep you posted on the progress!

The next project is a pair of slippers that I am going to knit on my loom. The slippers are exchange. My friend made me a sleeve for my school laptop and I in turn will make her a pair of slippers she asked for yellow, pink or lavender. Here is what I found.
I will use the pattern in the Boyle I Taught Myself to Loom Knit Book.

As you can see, I have a lot to work on this week!


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