Long time, no blog!
Truth be told, my sewing time has been limited lately! Now that I have a permanent station to sew though, I am taking advantage of short amounts of time that would have been out of the question in the past!
My Kind of Colors!
Many blogs ago, I posted about my first full size quilt. I was so proud and so happy to have that quilt for me! Who was I kidding. I rarely get to touch the thing! My boyfriend commandeered that within weeks of it being completed as his own. It's a large quilt. You'd think we'd be able to share....NOPE! It's his.
Shucks. Guess I had to make another quilt of my own! This time I'm making it in MY colors so he won't be tempted! The pattern I used is Popsicle Stick by Atkinson Designs and it required 2 bali pops or jelly rolls (lap size with binding included). My colors are Wild Berry.
I have to admit. Random placement quilts are hard for me. But with these fabrics, there was truly no wrong! I love it. I plan on having it quilted with a nice solid color backing to contrast the very busy front. And I will allow no sharing when I am cozied up with it!
Also, I get to share a project that Pieceful completed! I am sharing it because it was a Christmas present to me! Here is her Spider Web wall hanging. It currently hangs in my living room!
Spring has not sprung!
Spring fever has hit! I am so ready to enjoy the outdors! See green! Go kayaking! But it will be awhile coming...This picture was taken last Wednesday. The last official day of winter outside my building. The landlords have to maintain a path the the fire escape. On Thursday we got another foot of snow, it's snowing now (Saturday) and we are supposed to get another major storm on Wednesday!
Lucky for me, I have another sewing project already lined up to keep me sane!
Stay Tuned!
My next project is going to be 3 Big Bags from on Jelly Roll. I will use the tutorial on MissourStar's youtube channel. It's definitely worth checking out. I especially like the way she makes straps for her bags. Huge time saver!
Stay Tuned
Wow! That's a lot of snow! Thank you for visiting my blog! I couldn't reply to your comment because you came up as a no-reply blogger.