Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

Shortly after the Sandy Hook tragedy, I had a chance encounter in the Publix grocery store that afforded  me the opportunity to participate in a Random Act of Kindness. As part of my grocery purchase I was buying  two quilt magazines. The cashier was not busy and we started to chat about quilting. Angela shared that she would love to be able to make a quilt for her 4 year old granddaughter but had neither the time nor the supplies. We continued to talk about what a crazy world we live in and how it is so hard to focus on what is important with all of the sadness in the world. When I returned to the truck I told my husband that I wanted to make a RAK quilt for Angela's granddaughter. Ann Curry had suggested that everyone do twenty- six RAK's in memory of the children and teachers killed at Sandy Hook. I felt this was perfect for one of my twenty-six acts.

Tomorrow I will deliver a small quilt to Angela. I tried to do it today, but she was not working. The quilt is small but very bright and happy. All children deserve bright and happy...


  1. What a generous thing to do! You are a good person, Lexie. I'm proud to call you my friend.
